This is the site for columnist Rick Quick, and sories of his redneck life. A real experience in southern humor!

Location: Louisiana

I have 3 kids, a mortgage, a car note, a dog, a kitchen table with chairs held together by bailing wire, my house is furnished in an motiff called "Early Garage Sale", and I own 11 vehicles, strung between my yard, my parents yard, my grandmother's yard, my shop, my best friends shop, another friends shop, and one is still at my ex-wife's ex-boyfriends.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Go Packers!!!

I don't wanna pack! Tell me I don't have to! Vacation is almost over, and now we have to shove stuff in the car to go home. Nothing sucks more than having to pack up all the crud you bought, all the crud you bought, and sort out all the junk before you go home.

For example, I always rent a place with a kitchen. Then we go to the grocery store and buy stuff to cook. We meal plan, make a list, and get the things we need. The problem? We ALWAYS buy too much. I swear, when we are on vacation, everyone turns into a humming bird. A loaf of bread that would last all of 2 days normally is suddenly a week old and turning green.

So now you have to add room for the 4 bags of groceries that we need to take home, right? But it doesn't end there.

There are always things you forgot. You have a perfectly good blowdryer at home, but you forgot it, so you have to buy a new one. Multiply one of those "discoveries" for every day, and suddenly you have an entire bag fool of duplicate stuff. Leaving it behind is wasteful, so you have to take it home, where it will be put in a corner, stored for 3 years, and then sold for 20 cents at a garage sale. But, hey, at least you didn't waste it!

Then there are the souvenirs. Sure, everyone with you gets one, and that may take a up a little room. But it's the ones that you buy for Aunt Martha, your brother, your folks, the people at work, and everyone else in the free world that force a new packing strategy. Guess where they will be in 3 years? Yep, someone else's garage sale. But hey, at least you got them something!

And then there are those "can't live without cause I can only get it here" sort of things, like cheese wheels. Sure they are awesome, taste great, and you'll never have the opportunity to get one again. But they have to be refrigerated, which means you have to pack an ice chest, not unlike the other 43 that you already have at home. But, hey, when the garage sale comes, you can use it to sell drinks from, right?

Then there is that brilliant thought of shopping. Why buy school clothes close to the house, when you can do it on vacation 1000 miles from home? everyone knows that clothes always fit better when the come from some outlet mall that you passed somewhere near St Louis. But, hey, since we can't return them, guess where they will be soon? Nuff said.

Add it all up, and suddenly the vehicle that had plenty of room on the way here now is so packed that I am thinking we may have to mail one of the children home. I'll also get the pleasure of driving with my elbows resting on some sort of bag, my seat pushed forward to allow for the box of stuff that was supposed to be in the trunk, and I'll no longer be able to use the rearview mirror, as the pile of crud is high that it reaches the ceiling.

So as you can see, as tough as it is to pack for a trip, it's worse to pack for the return trip. And heaven forbid that you forget anything, or else you'll have to buy a new pair of tennis shoes when you get home, while the ones you left 3 states away eventually end up in someone else's garage sale. Ugh! Could there be anything worse?

Oh yeah, I forgot: tomorrow I have to unpack all this crud!!


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