This is the site for columnist Rick Quick, and sories of his redneck life. A real experience in southern humor!

Location: Louisiana

I have 3 kids, a mortgage, a car note, a dog, a kitchen table with chairs held together by bailing wire, my house is furnished in an motiff called "Early Garage Sale", and I own 11 vehicles, strung between my yard, my parents yard, my grandmother's yard, my shop, my best friends shop, another friends shop, and one is still at my ex-wife's ex-boyfriends.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


If you ask most people, they will tell you about their faith in God, faith in the country, faith in their family, and faith in themselves. These are faiths that they keep and hold dear, tell others about, and sometimes make a big showing of, particularly as long as things are going well

For example, if they have faith that their financial situation will improve, or their love life, or their job, etc, they expect it to happen. Usually they expect this to happen immediately, with little to no effort from them. When it doesn't, they start the blame-game, which leads to a loss in faith and they become sad, depressed, and many times, very angry individuals.

I sometimes think people equate faith with magic. They expect, because of their faith, that no harm will come to them, everything will be easy, and their lives will always be without pain or discomfort. What these people want is a magic shield to prevent them from having to deal with the discomforts of life. None of us is guaranteed a perfect life.

In reality, faith is the continued belief, whether supported at present by facts or not, that something will happen, or that it is right. It's not a shield that prevents things from happening to us; rather it's a lifeline that pulls us through those things

Faith in God means that you believe God will be there to assist you through the rough times, not that he is going to do it while you sit there and watch.

I heard a good line once: Faith can move mountains, but you better bring a shovel.

This is the faith that I follow. It's the belief that if I am doing all that I can (my part), and I continue to do that, then great things will happen around me. They may not always be what I thought I wanted, and probably not in the timetable that I set; but they are usually much better than I ever expected, and happen at a time where I am better able to appreciate and deal with the success.

So if you are out there and having a rough time, if your faith has been tested time and time again, just remember to keep working at it, doing what's right, and never doubt that things will improve. It can and will happen. It may not be on your timeline, but you will enjoy it when it comes.

And don't worry. I have faith in you!


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