This is the site for columnist Rick Quick, and sories of his redneck life. A real experience in southern humor!

Location: Louisiana

I have 3 kids, a mortgage, a car note, a dog, a kitchen table with chairs held together by bailing wire, my house is furnished in an motiff called "Early Garage Sale", and I own 11 vehicles, strung between my yard, my parents yard, my grandmother's yard, my shop, my best friends shop, another friends shop, and one is still at my ex-wife's ex-boyfriends.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Realizations and Confessions

After the last post, I decided to do some research. Not in how to pic up women (my arms were just too tired), but in how confidence affects their actions. As I encountered women during the day, I spoke to them in a different manner to see which way got what response. Naturally, as projected, the more confident I was, the more interaction we had. I talked with female friends to get their insights as well.

While that's not surprising in light of recent revelations, it is still somewhat shocking. And it led me to several "epiphanies":

First, there really is no great pickup line, no need for six-pack abs, and no fancy cars are required to attract women. However, if those things give you confidence, then that's a different story. Even then you need to realize that they are attracted to the confidence, not to the "thing". Once you are confident enough without the thing, you will still have success, within reason. You still can't be 800 pounds, use offensive language, and expect her to chip in for gas money.

Second, when you have someone in your life, you automatically exude confidence. You don't have the need or fear rejection, so you suddenly become attractive. This has bugged men for years. "Why do women only seem to want to pay attention to me when I already have someone?" Well, now you know.

Third, of course, is why men who leave one woman for another get dumped by the new woman in a fairly timely manner. It's simple: they were attracted to the confidence level that was shown while the guy was in a relationship. For afar, it looked good. However, once a new relationship had started, the weakness, fears, and insecurities suddenly reappear. Suddenly the confidence in gone, and the attraction is as well.

Finally, this also affects your relationship with other guys. I used to have a friend that could walk into a shoe store and come out with a supermodel. It just amazed me. His relationships only lasted a few days, but he'd have a new one in 15 minutes. So how did this affect us? I woudl not take my dates around him. Why? For fear that he would "steal" them.

Yeah, I know. How weak can you get? When your scared of losing your date to a friend, well, that's pretty sad. But it is a revelation into why he had success, and I didn't. My lack of confidence automatically made him the Alpha-male in the room. I now tend to wonder if maybe he was only successful when I was playing the un-confident wingman. He was probably just as insecure, but I was forcing women to him, because they saw me as a push-over!

Anywho, this has really opened my eyes, and further drives my desire to figure out what makes people tick. I now realize why men in relationships are attractive, how fast cars and money work on men to make them look confident to women, and how my own insecurities may have led to a lot of the failures in my life.

Wish I'd known all this earlier, but I'm glad that I know it now!


Anonymous Purple car said...

You hit the nail on the head big guy.

6:42 AM  

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