This is the site for columnist Rick Quick, and sories of his redneck life. A real experience in southern humor!

Location: Louisiana

I have 3 kids, a mortgage, a car note, a dog, a kitchen table with chairs held together by bailing wire, my house is furnished in an motiff called "Early Garage Sale", and I own 11 vehicles, strung between my yard, my parents yard, my grandmother's yard, my shop, my best friends shop, another friends shop, and one is still at my ex-wife's ex-boyfriends.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Presents Round the flower Pot

Well, I am finally through with all of the Christmas shopping. It wasn’t easy, but I was able to cross off everyone on the list. Now I can just sit back and wait for the happy smiles to roll in!

I got the 6 year old the front cap from a 68 Dodge Coronet R/T. I figure if I keep this up, by the time he gets old enough to drive, he’ll have enough pieces to build his own car. True, the car will be 45 years old by then, but I will save a fortune in monthly notes and insurance.

The 9 year old wanted some playstation games, but I think he spends too much time in the house. So, I got him a tiller. He will be the envy of all of his friends as he tills up the ground for my new 2 acre garden. Heck, he might even be able to make a business out of tilling. It’s never too early for him to start saving for my retirement.

13 year old Girls are a little tougher to find things for. However, I searched all of Ebay and finally found a Pocket Fisherman. I figure she will be going out on dates in a few years, and if she carries that thing with her then the boys won’t be tempted to conveniently run out of gas up by the lake, for fear that she will catch a bigger bass then he will. Parents have to plan ahead for things like that.

For the brother and sister-in-law, I bought a used jet engine for their living room. They don’t have any kids yet, so I figured this could teach them how to get used to the noise.

For my Uncle, I bought a stuffed pony and a cane. That man would argue with a stump, and people just get tired of listening to him rant over and over again about the same thing. Now, we can all tell him to go home when he wants to beat a dead horse.

For my Aunt, there were a lot of choices, but I finally settled on a new toilet. She didn’t really need one, but she has been complaining lately that the yard needed more flowers. Now she can put the old toilet out there and grow her daisies like a good redneck.

Finally, for the rest of the family, I am re-gifting, with a twist. I took all of our re-gifting items and exchanged them with Jeanie Sue for all of her re-gifting items. Then we boxed each item and assigned names at random. I am not sure who wound up with that fuzzy blue thong, but I hope it wasn’t my neighbor. I don’t want to see him on his porch drinking coffee dressed in that thing!

With all of that out of the way, I can now sit back and relax, while thinking of all of the smiles I will be bringing to people faces. I realize that Christmas is not about receiving, it’s about giving. And now, other family member will realize that I have the perfect touch when it comes to matching their personalities to gifts.

And my mama always said that I was touched…….


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