This is the site for columnist Rick Quick, and sories of his redneck life. A real experience in southern humor!

Location: Louisiana

I have 3 kids, a mortgage, a car note, a dog, a kitchen table with chairs held together by bailing wire, my house is furnished in an motiff called "Early Garage Sale", and I own 11 vehicles, strung between my yard, my parents yard, my grandmother's yard, my shop, my best friends shop, another friends shop, and one is still at my ex-wife's ex-boyfriends.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Lather Me Up

In all of Gods creations, there has to be nothing more difficult than bathing children. I have three of the wonderful little beings, and I am nightly reminded that He is getting even with me for all of the trouble I caused in my youth. Getting these little suckers clean can be, at best, an adventure, and at the least, a chore equal to mowing the lawn with a pair of safety scissors.

First, you have to round the little boogers up. Ah, this sounds so easy. But only to those that don’t have kids. Did you know there are approximately 3,496 different places to hide in the house when daddy says it’s bath time? And did you know that a 3 year old can figure out where the 2 that you don’t know about are? Yep, I end up running around the house threatening to cause hindly harm, only to finally get inside the bathroom and find 2 children hidden in the laundry hamper. And they are giggling at me. And nekkid as a jaybird. Boys definitely are the goofier sex.

Now that I have them in the bathroom, I must close the door and secure it with 4 chains, 5 dead bolts, and a chair, lest one of them throws soap in my eyes and runs for freedom yelling “I am nekkid! Where are the finger paints?” This can really be embarrassing if you have company over.

Well, once they are secured, I have to start the water. It is a little known fact that if you attempt to make the water warm, a 6 year old will swear that it is hotter than boiling oil. And if you do not attempt to make it warm, a 3 year old will swear that it is so cold that he can make ice cream. Hence this becomes a constant battle of temperature manipulation. Finally, after hours of putting in cold, letting out cold, and adjusting the hot, you will arrive at a point where the water is just fine, provided you can ignore the constant torture that one of them is going through.

With the temperature quandary out of the way, you now find yourself on hair washing detail. I reach out for the no more tears shampoo, only to find that I have just discovered where all of those bubbles came from last time they bathed. The bottle is full of nothing but water. So, now I am forced to use adult shampoo, which is, of course, complete torture to a small child, as they do not want to smell like an apple.

If you are not aware, the head of a small boy is pretty much an environmental magnet. You have no idea all of the things that will end up there. If they had some candy that day, you can bet the their hair needed a taste. If they played in the yard, the yard came inside with them. And if someone within 3 miles was chewing gum, rest assured that the gum will tunnel underground and find a way to attach itself to a place in the child’s head that, if you cut it out, will cause other people to think that you must drink and play with scissors.

After the head is clean, you have to do the body. While this sounds easy, one must note that anywhere the soap touches immediately becomes the most ticklish spot on the body, which causes the unstoppable squirms. This then becomes a game kind of like trying to hold an eel. The child wiggles, giggles, squirms, goes up and down, turns around, and does his best to try to make you drop the soap. Finally, after feeling like you have just wrestled with an anaconda, you will have a clean child. You then dry the child off, only to discover that, as you were reaching for his night clothes, he climbed up in the chair, undid all the locks, and is now standing at the front door, which you forgot to close, completely nekkid, and telling the world that cleanliness may be next to Godliness, but nekkid is only good when it can be pressed against a cold see-through glass screen door.

I do not know if any of you have ever had a ferret, but for those of you who have, you know how they are after a bath. It’s like shooting a hamster full of adrenaline. This is the exact way that a small boy acts after a bath. You would think he had just won the Super Bowl, what with all the hoopin’ and hollerin’ and dancing around in his underwear. Because of this, it is never recommended to give the child a bath just before bedtime, as neither of you will get any sleep. He will be dancing on the ceiling, and you will be hunting for the duct tape to try to get him to stick to the bed. When he finally does relax and go to sleep, you will be left feeling like a derailed freight train.

As you begin to lay into bed, with visions of sugarplums dancing in your head, you do feel a sense of accomplishment at having finally achieved a state of cleanliness upon such a dirt attracting object. And as you snuggle close with your satisfaction, that’s when it hits you.
Oh geez. I have to do this again tomorrow night.


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